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What foods are advisable to avoid inflammation?

To follow a healthy anti-inflammatory diet, you should avoid the regular consumption of simple sugars, Trans fats, and alcohol. On the contrary, follow a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, whole grains, fish, nuts, and seeds.

Everyone knows that a poor diet can be detrimental to health. Some foods are specifically inflammatory, which can trigger or worsen different diseases such as arthritis, some types of cancer, metabolic diseases such as obesity or diabetes, etc.

Foods with more inflammatory power

1: Sugar

We can consider all these products a type of sugar. These are white sugar, brown sugar, molasses, syrup, fructose, and honey.

But also the sugar added to foods such as jams, fruit juices, sugary drinks, soft drinks, sweets, pastries, cookies, chocolate, and derivatives. All these types of sugar have great inflammatory power, and many studies relate it to health problems.

2: Trans fat

Hydrogenating liquid fats form Trans fats at room temperature, which must change their molecular structure to become solid. They are the most dangerous fats for health.

We use them widely in processed foods such as margarine, fast food, pizzas, chips and salty snacks, microwave popcorn, pastries, cookies, chocolates, sugary breakfast cereals, etc. That is, all those that contain partially hydrogenated vegetable oil.

3: Processed fats

Saturated fats in processed foods have inflammatory power. These ingredients contain, in addition to fats that are harmful to health, excess sodium, refined starch, and sugars, which also promote inflammation. We find them in cured meats, sausages, sausages, and hamburgers.

4: Refined carbohydrates

Consuming large amounts of refined carbohydrates like white bread, pasta, and white rice can also promote inflammation, as they predispose the growth of inflammatory gut bacteria.

5: Alcohol

Excessive alcohol consumption is highly inflammatory, and we can demonstrate it by the C-reactive protein inflammatory marker, which increases after high consumption.

There is controversy regarding moderate alcohol consumption among experts. Some advise zero consumption, while others recommend moderate amounts of wine (100 ml for men and 50 ml for women)

Recommended foods to reduce inflammation

Increase consumption of omega-three fatty acids

We can find them in oily fish, shellfish, almonds, or walnuts. Bluefish, such as tuna, mackerel, sardines, salmon, etc., are also full of these fatty acids. It is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, a potent anti-inflammatory that acts by inhibiting the synthesis of inflammatory mediating substances.

On the other hand, although they do not have a direct antioxidant effect, omega-3 fatty acids help protect cell membranes from the harmful effects of oxidative processes. To meet the needs for this type of fat, it is advisable to consume this type of fish at least twice a week.

Other items that provide omega-3 are nuts (especially walnuts), crushed flax seeds (to absorb omega 3), flaxseed, canola, walnut, soybean, wheat germ, and hazelnut oil.

Foods rich in alpha-linolenic acid

Crushed flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, soybean, safflower, corn oil, nuts, spinach, kale, Brussels sprouts, and many others

Consume extra virgin olive oil

In addition to the tremendous cardiovascular benefits and lower risk of cancer, anti-inflammatory power is added. Consuming 50 ml of extra virgin olive oil daily lowers CRP (the inflammatory marker of C-reactive protein) and other inflammatory markers.

Foods rich in beta carotene

For their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant power, carrot, pumpkin, mango, papaya, etc., are the best.

The consumption of blueberries, blackberries, and other red fruits is recommended due to their anthocyanin content.

The intake of vegetables of the Allium genus (garlic, onion, leek, spring garlic, etc.) is recommended as they are rich in sulfur, a mineral necessary for forming collagen and other elements that make up bones, cartilage, tendons, and ligaments.

Whole grains

Provide minerals, especially selenium and vitamins. Its richness in fiber allows for avoiding constipation and at the same time that it helps to eliminate impurities from the body.

Promote the consumption of aromatic herbs and anti-inflammatory spices such as ginger, cloves, cinnamon, turmeric, and parsley.

Optimal levels of vitamin D

Vitamin D provides benefits to inflammatory and immune responses. Sun exposure is the main factor in calciferol (vitamin D3) production.

It is found in foods such as dairy products, oily fish, eggs, and enriched foods, but its quantity is insufficient. The sun’s rays must hit the skin for 10-15 minutes daily.


To avoid inflammation through diet, it is enough to eliminate those foods that cause the most inflammation: sugar in all its versions, refined carbohydrates, and trans and saturated fats.

It is achieved by avoiding processed foods, sweets, snacks, sugary drinks, and soft drinks and promoting those with greater anti-inflammatory power, such as extra virgin olive oil, oily fish, fruits (especially those rich in vitamin C), and vegetables ( especially those of green leaf, vegetables of the Allium genus and carrots), nuts and whole grains.

What should you know?

To follow a healthy anti-inflammatory diet, you should avoid the regular consumption of simple sugars, trans fats, and alcohol and, on the contrary, follow a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, whole grains, fish, nuts, and seeds.

Foods rich in alpha-linolenic acids, such as crushed flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, soybean, safflower, corn oil, nuts, and some green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, and Brussels sprouts cannot be missing in an anti-inflammatory diet.

Consuming 50 ml of extra virgin olive oil helps considerably reduce CRP (the inflammatory marker of C-reactive protein) and other inflammatory markers.

Last but not least is to visit us at 1600 Enterprise Dr. Kingston, NY 12401 if you do not find anything described-above beneficial. You can also get an appointment online from Holistic Health in case to discuss your issues related to inflammation.

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