Reports of severe illness associated with use of products containing Ivermectin to prevent or treat COVID-19
Reports of severe illness associated with use of products containing Ivermectin to prevent or treat COVID-19
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), reports of severe illness associated with use of products containing Ivermectin to prevent or treat COVID-19 have been increasing over the past several months. The CDC has not yet identified any specific. Cause or product that can be definitively linked to these reported illnesses, however. People who have used ivermectin have reported symptoms including fever, rash, diarrhea, and joint pain after using the drug.
What are ivermectin, Moxidectin, Eprinex, Ivomec and other names for ivermectin?
ivermectin is a broad spectrum anti-parasitic agent, produced by avermectins which have been isolated from cultures of microorganisms. By disrupting chemical signals in invertebrates, ivermectin prevents invertebrates from coordinating their body functions. It is active against nematodes (roundworms), arthropods (including insects) and acanthocephalans. In mammals, including humans, it has no effect because mammalian cells do not possess glutamate-gated chloride channels.
What’s the link between ivermectin and cases of acute sickness?
Ingestion of ivermectin by animals has been shown to produce gastrointestinal effects, including vomiting, ataxia, lethargy and depression. In cattle, adverse neurological signs have been observed shortly after dosing. These include facial paralysis (drooping eyelids), abnormal eye movements (nystagmus) and head pressing. Reports from several countries indicate that these neurological signs are frequently preceded by pruritus (itching) at the site where ivermectin was administered. In contrast to findings in cattle, horses rarely show behavioural changes after receiving a single dose of oral ivermectin; however behavioural changes were observed in dogs following administration of repeated doses every 2–3 weeks for three months.
How much ivermectin causes acute sickness?
A 2012 study by Mayo Clinic researchers found that only 1 microgram per kg body weight can cause acute sickness. This dose is incredibly small, and considered lower than even safe levels of ivermectin. So far, no one knows what causes acute sickness but most believe it is a reaction between ivermectin and another protein in your body. It’s thought that children are more susceptible to getting sick from small doses due to their smaller size and less effective bodies at metabolizing proteins, so they should not be taking ivermectin without a doctor’s permission.
How quickly can an animal get sick from ivermectin?
Poisoning symptoms can occur almost immediately, but in general symptoms buy ivermectin start within a day. In severely affected animals, death can occur within 24 hours of ingestion. Nervous system depression (e.g., ataxia) and muscle tremors may be seen before signs related to cardiovascular collapse (e.g., depression, bradycardia). Some animals that are particularly sensitive will show pronounced CNS signs (e.g., ataxia, tremors) but have minimal cardiovascular effects until severe neurotoxicity has developed; hence, a delay between onset of neurological signs and cardiovascular collapse is often noted. Signs usually resolve within 2 days after discontinuation of treatment or if no treatment was given. However, some residual ataxia may persist for up to 3 weeks post exposure.
What happens if an animal gets severely ill from ivermectin toxicity?
Severe anemia, liver and kidney damage, muscle weakness, seizures and coma have been reported. Some patients recovered but some died. If your animal has ingested ivermectin in a high enough dose that you suspect it is severely ill from ivermectin toxicity you should contact your veterinarian immediately. Since some animals may not show signs until several days after ingesting a toxic dose of ivermectin it may be too late by then. You will probably need to take your pet directly to an emergency veterinarian hospital if it is already showing symptoms at home. The antidote for rodenticide toxicity is Vitamin K3. This vitamin can reverse most signs but not all so if an animal has been exposed for too long without being treated it will still die even after receiving treatment.